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A Tutor’s Assessment of her English B’Yachad Tutoring Experience in Quiz Form!

Writer: Marla GamoranMarla Gamoran

Updated: Jun 25, 2024

Quiz #1  What have our lessons meant to me?

Which of my passions does English B’Yachad tutoring fulfill?

Which is true?

  1. I am a teacher at heart (after a long career in education.)

  2. I am an ardent Zionist who visits Israel often and loves the country.

  3. I strongly believe in volunteering to help others.

  4. I am certain that I am using my skills to make contributions to this program.

  5. I have discovered a new experience that is rewarding, joyful and exciting.

  6. I treasure meeting and getting to know a truly lovely and special person, my student Hadas.


Quiz #2  What is important to me about our lessons?  Which is true? 

  1. It is important that I plan creative lessons.

  2. It is important that my lessons meet the language needs of my student.

  3. It is important that my lessons match the English skills of my student but are also challenging.

  4. It is important that my lessons are fun and enjoyable.

  5. It is important that I strive to introduce new words or grammar skills with interesting topics each week.

  6. It is important that my lessons inspire my student to continue to be enthusiastic about learning and improving her English.


Quiz #3  What did Hadas and I discover that we have in common during our conversations?  Which is true? 

  1. We are both devoted to our families.

  2. We are both teachers.

  3. We both love and celebrate Jewish and Israeli holidays.

  4. We both love to cook and bake.

  5. We both volunteer in our communities.

  6. We both are interested in discussing topics about Israel and America.


Quiz #4   What do I admire about Hadas?  Which is true?

  1. She is enthusiastic about learning and improving her English.

  2. She is a serious and diligent student.

  3. She never misses a lesson.

  4. She is a VERY busy woman but found time to join our program. She takes care of her 3 sons, works fulltime, is studying for a degree in education and participates in community events.

  5. She volunteers at a local school in her neighborhood.

  6. She is always thankful, gracious and full of gratitude for our time together and always has a beautiful smile on her face.


Quiz Question #5

What special moments and memories do I like best about our lessons?    Which is true?  

  1. One week last summer Hadas was going on vacation with her sons in Eilat. I assumed then that we would not meet that week for our lesson. Hadas, however, told me she did not want to miss our lesson. Therefore, she sat in her hotel room with her computer for our one-hour lesson at our regular meeting day and time!

  2. When Hadas started her new job as a teacher in a preschool (gan) teacher in Tel Aviv, she sent me an amazing video she created to introduce herself and the learning centers in her classroom to her students before the new school year began. I was impressed with her presentation and honored that she shared it with me.

  3. Hadas and I liked to talk about the food we cooked and the desserts we baked for our families, especially for holidays. One week I sent her the recipe for pineapple challah kugel. The next week I asked her if she had cooked this dish. She told me in her sweet, lovely voice that she was waiting until I came to Israel, so we could prepare this recipe together in her kitchen!


Quiz Question #6

How can we show the progress of Hadas?  I was impressed every week when Hadas …. Which is true? 

  1. read better.

  2. improved her pronunciation.

  3. used correct grammar.

  4. demonstrated understanding of new vocabulary.

  5. was able to answer questions in English.

  6. spoke more fluently.


What important things did we learn about each other?

My student and I were perfectly matched in so many ways!

First of all, I participated in a Jewish Federation mission to Ethiopia several years ago. I was, therefore, knowledgeable about this community and their history, customs, struggles to  reach “Jerusalem” and their Aliyah and absorption experiences.

My student appreciated my understanding of Ethiopian Israelis. She also admired my love of Israel and my familiarity with the country.


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