English B'Yachad pairs English-speaking tutors with young Israeli adults seeking to improve their English skills. With just an hour or so together each week, students may to listen to English outside of the tutoring sessions. With the understanding that your student may not have anyone else available with whom to speak English, listening to English through video or audio may be a fun and interesting way of expanding exposure to the language.

Listening is an important strategy for language learning. FluentU's post on the topic of listening to learn offers some interesting insights into the learning process.
Listening to short videos or audio clips can enrich your sessions, adding both interest and valuable content. Furthermore, if your student is looking for recommendations on what to listen to or watch in English outside of your tutoring sessions, our tutor community has shared the following suggestions.
YouTube – search on Videos for English Language Learners and there are so many options to choose from!
If your student prefers a slower dialogue speed for better comprehension, they can adjust this setting using the speed control feature.
Additionally, within the settings menu, there is an option labeled 'CC' for closed captioning. Clicking on the CC icon displays captions on the screen, enabling students to read along while listening."
Elllo.org – a resource-rich website that bills itself as an English Language Learner’s Listening Library! The site is free (spoiler – there are pop-up ads). Many of the videos also come with text and/or a quiz to check for comprehension.
Among the many options on this site are:
One Minute English: English speakers from around the world answer a basic question–
New Stories – short newsy stories
MIxer - hear six people answer the same question
The Voice of America’s Learning English site offers a large selection of lessons and materials for English language learners.
Check out the various options for listening to English including but not limited to:
EnglishinaMinute - short clips of common expressions and idioms in English
Happy Listening! Happy Learning!